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Showing posts from May, 2020

When Did Different Become Bad?

I find it interesting as I get older how much our world is rapidly changing around us.  It also has become abundantly clear that we are more divided than ever.  This division has happened in part because of politics and the media, but the majority of this division has occurred because of our inability to accept differences.  I’ve watched over the last few weeks as we’ve started to “re-open our economy” and each side fights with one another.  We call the other side evil, ignorant, uneducated, and many other words I won’t say here.  This couldn’t be further from the truth, we’re actually probably more educated than ever before as a world.  The problem isn’t education or information, it’s our ability to see differences in people’s point of view.  We’re all shaped by our experiences and upbringing as well as our own personal beliefs.  Being different used to be an accepted thing.  It used to be that being different meant something.  Now it is shunned and we find ourselves surrounded by m