I missed my Friday blog post for the first time yesterday since the beginning of the New Year. I had a pretty hectic week that threw my usual routine out of whack and forced me into some slightly less comfortable territory. By the time my day ended Friday and I sat down in front of my computer to write this post, I didn’t really know where to begin. My wife was sitting with me on the couch and we were searching for a show to watch, when I started to think. What is more important to me; putting out a blog post every Friday or the quality of writing I produce. It was a fitting thought, since earlier that day I made a Tweet about living your standard and owning it. Now I was confronted with hurrying through a blog post just to get it out on time, or being patient and trying to write something worth reading. Set a standard for who you are and how you operate and don’t bend or break that standard for anyone or anything. I’m sure some of you re...