I’ve spent a lot of my time during quarantine completing projects around the house. I’ve done my best to stay busy and to occupy my time with various ways of improving myself, but I’ve definitely missed the structure and consistency of my normal routine. Recently though, I’ve discovered something about myself that I think everyone can appreciate. I love transformations. Transformations are powerful. Transformations are vital to our evolution as people and throughout our life we must transform to become the greatest version of ourself. I think that’s part of what draws me to coaching and training. I love seeing people transform into something new and different. I think whether that transformation is weight-loss, strength gain, athletic performance or any number of things it’s awesome to see people grow and change. With this realization I’ve also discovered I love any kind of transformation. I love transforming a room in my home, I love transforming wood into furniture, I love transforming a blank page into something worth reading. People often fear change and avoid it, but I think the reason for that is how we choose to view it. If we were to view change as a transformation instead of change, I think we’d all see change differently.
Think about it for a second. When someone says a change is coming, we get apprehensive, but if someone says a transformation is coming we get curious. Why is change scary? Why do we not look at change as a type of transformation. I came to this conclusion about change and transformation the other day while I was finishing up a woodworking project. I recently built a two person seat with a table for my front porch. I changed a bunch of 2x4’s, 1x4’s, 2x6’s, and 1x6’s into a piece of furniture. I created a transformation. That’s what got me thinking. What is so different between change and transformation? I personally think it’s just how we choose to look at it. It’s a mindset. To complete any transformation we must be willing to change.
While I know some changes are different than others and it’s not all change that is feared. I think how we choose to view change is up to us. A transformation in our mindset can lead to our ability to see change as good instead of bad. With every great transformation that happens during our life it comes for a willingness to change. Create a fitness transformation: I must change my current habits. Transform my diet: I must change what foods I eat. Transform my sleep habits: I must change my bedtime routine. Transform my relationship with God: I must change how I approach my faith. As you can see there is change required in all great transformations. So when it’s possible why not look at changes as a transformation in your life. You’re transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly. You’re transforming from a 2x4 to a beautiful bench or table.
Greatness requires transformation. Just as important as transformation leading to greatness, is understanding that transformation is required to remain great. Look at the evolution of great companies that have lasted generations. They’ve transformed over time, evolving and changing with the times to remain on the cutting edge and provide something new for their customers. Great athletes transform with time to remain great. An awesome example of this is Lebron James. He came into the league a player who used his superior size and athleticism to cut to the hoop and score close to the rim. But as the game has changed around him and he has aged, he has transformed his game to now be a player who can stretch the court with his shooting ability. His willingness to transform and ability to change has kept him at the top of the NBA.
Every change we encounter affects our make up which leads to a transformation of who we are. I think this is important for us to understand right now. We’re all changing due to the recent situation we’ve been put in. This virus that has swept the globe has forced a change to the way our society operates. It has changed the way we operate, the way we communicate, the way we work and live our life. It’s a leading cause for a transformation. If we choose to look at this change as a negative the final product will not be what we want or expect. But if we’re patient with the changes, if we take time to change and transform with the world around us we can adapt and become something new. Something different. Something that has transformed and evolved that will be successful and competitive in this new world dynamic. However, if we fear change, and we avoid transformation we will be left behind. It’s entirely up to us.
The world is always going to change around us. There is always something that is going to dictate the new direction we will go. This time it was a virus. Next time maybe it’s a war. Perhaps a leader will become president and inspire us to unite and change the world again. There is opportunity for transformation and change always present. This just happened to be a forced transformation. It doesn’t make it bad, it just makes it different. Don’t fear the change that’s coming, be willing to make the next cut in the wood. Because without cutting the wood, we will never have the chair to sit in, we just have a 2x4.
Here in Ohio we’re getting close to the start of getting back to normal life. There’s still time to change, and once we start getting back to normal more change will come. Don’t fear that transformation that lies ahead. Instead, start to look for new ways for you to transform who you are. Transform the way you live your life. Transform the way you see the world around you. Transform the way you approach change. The choice is yours. You can remain the 2x4 or you can embrace the change and become the polished finished product you are capable of being. Take on the challenge of transformation. Become something new during this time and emerge better for making a change.
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